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A big 'Thank you' to those of you who support us financially.

We rely on donations from individuals and churches, as well as sourcing funding from grant making bodies, trusts, etc. Making a financial contribution is one of the ways you can be involved in transforming Luton. With an administrator and over 20 volunteers to train and 'kit out' we are always looking for funding. If you can help us by setting up a regular donation, or by making a one-off payment, we would be really grateful. You can do this by downloading the giving form on this page, or by sending us a cheque, made payable to Luton Town Centre Chaplaincy. If you or your spouse are a UK tax payer and can Gift Aid your donation, that will increase it by 25%. You can download a Gift Aid declaration from this page.

You can now donate up to £10 using your mobile 'phone - just text LTCC11 followed by the amount (£...) to 70070. JustTextGiving is a new, free service operated by Vodafone.

Giving form ws

You can now donate a maximum of £10 to the Chaplaincy via your mobile ‘phone. Just text ‘LTCC11 £(amount)’ to 70070