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Healing on the streets

‘Healing on the Streets’ is a gentle and loving way for people in our town to receive Christian prayer for healing. Starting with the Causeway Coast Vineyard church in Coleraine, Northern Ireland, it is a project that is now running in over 17 countries across the world and in towns in the UK, including Watford, Winchester, Aberdeen, Tonbridge, Birmingham, Plymouth – and many more.

Started in Luton in June 2011, there is a trained team of people from local churches operating near Market Hill in the town centre every Saturday afternoon from 2-4 pm; the space is identified by a large banner. Anyone who would like prayer is invited to just sit while a couple of people pray for their healing. We believe that Jesus heals today, and indeed we have already seen a variety of conditions healed, and are delighted to have this opportunity to serve the people of our town in this way.

If you are a regular member of a local Luton church and are interested in joining the Healing on the Streets team, please email us at info@lutoncc.co.uk

Saturday 13th July

We prayed with:-

  • “W” who was there with her newborn “U” who was born very prematurely. We prayed for them and for “W”’s partner “P” who is looking for a job.
  • We also prayed with “W”’s mother “J” who asked for prayer for her son “S” who is in prison
  • “C” is someone who has been for prayer in the past and was pleased to see us again after a good while. We prayed for her knees which are very painful; she is waiting for some medical treatment.
  • “B” is a new christian who seems to be travelling widely around the UK. He received a blessing for his business in Vietnam and a word from the Lord about following the Lord’s leading. He took a Gideon.
  • “O” asked for prayer for a better position in his job situation.
  • “T” asked for prayer for a difficult situation he is in. He is a christian and is in some potential trouble which may affect his ability to take up a job with young people in the autumn. We prayed for a good outcome for him and that the Lord would prosper him and use him in powerful ways.
  • “C” has alcohol issues after several significant losses in his life. He chatted with a couple of the team but didn’t stay for prayer although the team members prayed for him in his absence.
  • “R” and her daughter came for prayer after some hesitation - it may have been that the daughter persuaded her mother to receive prayer which was encouraging. “R” suffers from anxiety particularly in relation to her mother. The team spoke with her about staying close to the Lord and letting Him shine light into her fears.
  • “M” and “S” asked for prayer that they might have a daughter
  • “B” asked for prayer for a job having just passed her exams
  • “C” wanted prayer for a job
  • “E” asked for prayer for a financial breakthrough and for prayer for healing. She has had treatment for a medical condition and we prayed that she would continue with complete healing and remain unaffected by the problem in all aspects of her life. We had a word for her linked to her name that she would know the Lord using her powerfully. She was with “E” who needs a job so we prayed for that also.
  • “W” for back pain
  • “K” and “N” came right at the end of the afternoon. It was really exciting to hear that only this morning “K” had cried out to God due to his situation. He is not a believer and was sure that God had something for him after coming in to town and meeting the team. He came away sure that God had heard his cry for help. He needs accommodation and a job so the team prayed with him about that as well.

Healing on the Streets stories

Saturday 8th June 2024

We prayed for:-

  • “J” who has recently retired for her role in education - that she would hear from God about her new season and how to use her time. We also prayed for her daughter “J” who was seeking medical attention during yesterday afternoon for her current pregnancy; she had sadly had an unsuccessful pregnancy on a previous occasion. We obviously prayed into that in her absence. Eileen was able to invite “J” (senior) to a weekly prayer meeting held at her church - we hope to hear good news about the pregnancy in the time to come.
  • “M” who has not seen his mother in 7 years. She was last seen in Sudan and “M” does not know if she is alive or not.
  • “C” asked for prayer for his daughter “N” who has a brain tumour and may not have a good medical prognosis. “C” is a christian and is trusting God for his daughter.
  • “P” asked for prayer for his partner who is being “belligerent” of late.
  • “C” engaged with the team in conversation. He has a difficult past and has had a measure of relationship with the church over the years. He received a word from God and we prayed for him in his absence.
  • “M” came along and asked a lot of questions but seemed to be lacking a personal relationship with Jesus. We prayed for him after he left that he would come to know Jesus.
  • “H” is a Christian who used to be in a gang until his best friend was killed with a machete. He now speaks to young people about staying out of gangs etc. We prayed that God would prosper his ministry and that he would have a good church family to support him in his ministry.
  • “K” knows God but is having some struggles with his job. His grandmother supports him in prayer. We prayed for him to know God’s blessing in his job and his life, for him to walk in the light and know life in all its fulness.
  • “J” for arthritis.
  • “E” and her son “F”. “E”’s mother,”P”, has dementia and “E” is supporting her after a recent loss of “P”’s long term partner.
  • “P” has a brother, “S”, who has been given a terminal diagnosis
  • “J” has a broken ankle and was in a wheelchair. She also has a problem with rats, flies and maggots in her home.

Saturday 11th May 2024

We prayed for:-

- “I & P” mother and daughter they had a lot of emotional problems going on which they needed to offload, they were ministered to and there were tears shed, we will continue to pray as God has started a work in their lives.

- “O” a mother that brought her 2 young daughters for prayer, “A” the younger daughter request that she needs Jesus in her life, the other daughter “R” requested that she needs protection and prosperity and the mother’s request was for direction. The children were very responsive to the prayers going forward and agreed by saying Amen

- “M” wanted to give up smoking, the Lord provided the right person to speak and encourage him on how to take steps on giving up

- “F” wanted prayer for strength

- “C” wanted prayer for her brother “K” who has cancer

We also had encounters with others especially one partially sighted man, after we spoke to him he circled back to speak with us, he also went to another man that was doing outreach holding a cross. The Lord allowed him to hear the word of God whether he receives it or not.

Saturday 13th April 2024

We prayed for:-

  • “I” who was concerned to make the most of his studies and be able to manage his workload and not be over-stressed. He also requested prayer for his sister and his family
  • “T” who wanted to know God’s purpose for his life. He received a couple of words from God encouraging him to pursue God and His plan for his life
  • “A” needs a job and is looking for a a life partner of "good character"
  • “S” needs a job
  • “R” for his general health
  • “K” for peace in our troubled world. She had come through with the march but seemed particularly upset about what is going on in the world. We prayed for peace for her as well as peace for the troubled areas of the world.
  • “T” for his leg
  • “A” has autism and her aunt asked for prayer for her niece and the family
  • “D” asked for prayer for his own health but also for his wife and other members of the family who also seemed to be troubled. He received a Gideon in addition to prayer.
  • “Z” and daughter received general prayer and also prayer to receive revelation
  • a man and his wife received prayer for the man’s father-in-law who has Motor Neurone Disease
  • “M” has autism and was out with his carer. He had many questions and seemed quite confused about what the Bible has to say about a few things. He received a Gideon and the team tried to answer some of his questions.
  • “C” received a prayer for blessing.

There were one or two other encounters with passers-by that were encouragements or brief exchanges.

Saturday 9th March 2024

We prayed for :-

  • “J”,”C”, and “S” who were known to Eileen. “S” was admitted to hospital very recently and is due to be married in the next couple of weeks.
  • “M” and “C” who asked for prayer for success in their exams. They are third year students at the university
  • “J” asked for prayer for his mother to find a job
  • “P” for his family
  • “C” received prayer for him to be more confident that there is a God who loves him and has plans for his life for his good. He has been through a lot of physical and emotional trauma in his life already as a young man
  • “R” and “J” received prayer as visitors to Luton
  • “B” received prayer for his walk with God, his gifting and his ministry as a christian
  • “S” asked for prayer for her brother, “R” who has a been diagnosed with cancer and may have more extensive disease than he was previously aware of